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Vitaly Bazlov

Name: Vitaly Bazlov

Nationality: Russian

Gender: Male

Height: 175 cm

Build: Slim/Medium

Region of Trekking: Annapurna

Date Last Seen: Morning of 6th May, 2016

Location Last Seen: West shore of lake Tilicho


Missing – presumed deceased

Map showing the area that the person went missing

Due to the nature of maps the exact “pin”position in relation to the missing persons last known location cannot be guaranteed. For any form of exact GPS coordinates contact the search party.

Further information on missing trekker

Vitaly Bazlov went missing while trekking with a group on the Annapurna Circuit on noon May 6, 2016.

Vitaly left camp on the west shore of lake Tilicho and was heading presumably along the east shore to Tilicho Base Camp for the night then to Yak Kharka, Thorung La and Jomsom.

Vitaly was dressed as per the top photograph: blue «RedFox» wind jacket, green goose down vest, grey long sleeve sweatshirt, cap with a sun-protection veil. He had a yellow-and-black backpack and a «Deuter» sleeping bag.

Those that have seen him or have any information should contact:

  • +977 98560 25679, sardogsnepal AT (search and rescue team)
  • +7-964-550-6906,v.dubitsky AT (Viktor, coordinator)
  • +44-75-8371-6561, devyaterikov AT (Dmitry, coordinator)

Update: Vitaly’s backpack was found on on the shore of lake Tilicho by the search team by mid-May. It is believed he sustained a fatal accident. His body was not recovered.

Other sources of information and photographs of the missing trekker

More information

Missing Trekker